Saturday, November 11, 2006

Kivanc Camber

Born and raised in Turkey, son of an member of the Turkish Parliament, Kivanc is amazingly well grounded for any 24 year old I have ever met. He is extremely passionate about Micro credit and is working with a Bangladeshi gentleman right now in Turkey, helping him run the micro finance organization there. He arranged his older sister's wedding long before he himself could even think of tying the knot.

He just finished his masters in Economics from a school in Birmingham, U.K. He read books on finance and the history of micro-credit throughout our trips in Bangladesh together.

He did his best to master both English and Bengali while traveling with us. I was not the best person to learn English from however, since I soon found out that I spoken Texan. He was warm and gentle, shy and a great listener. Never saw him in a bad mood and was very well groomed in ettiquettes and courtesy. He also melted in the heat in Bangladesh but thoroughly enjoyed himself.

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