Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Building long term relationships

Field Trip

The branch manager was amazingly warm, caring and well read. This was just the beginning of Grameen hospitality. My greatest take away for the summer was that, business is all about building relationships, its about caring for people. Its never about the money or a transaction. We interns observed time and time again that the borrowers didn't care about the declining 20% interest rates, they never bothered to compare rates or benifits with other NGOs operating in the community like ASA or BRAC. They were proud to be Grameen borrowers, preferred to do business on Grameen loans even if they had savings. They claimed that they were more productive by being on a short Grameen leash of making weekly payments. At the end of the day, they all loved being part of a community, the Grameen community. Its a torch of hope that they passed down from generation to generation.

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